Russian Pavilion at "AGRITECHNICA 2017"
(Hall № 11)
About the company JSC "Petersburg Tractor Plant":
JSC "Petersburg Tractor Plant" produces 9 modifications of agricultural tractors "Kirovets" series K-744R and K-4 with capacity from 240 to 450 hp, 17 types of road-building and special machines manufactured on
the basis of industrial tractors "Kirovets".The produced machines is provided with warranty and service maintenance, the company has a wide network of representative offices and dealer centers (more than 50
centers in Russia and the CIS).
The basic concept of the «Kirovets» tractors is high performance, excellent off-road performance and maneuverability, simple and reliable design, reparability, building block design with the traditional, as well as
modern wide-cut complex tillage and seeding machinery. Capabilities of one tractor K-744Р series allow to cultivate and to sow up to 5 000 ha with full compliance of agronomical terms within the year. At the same
time, a minimal cost of 1 ha sowing is guaranteed.

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